Optimal Experience

Passengers of RATP Dev Transit London's bus services receive real-time service updates at bus stops, have access to interactive journey planners and a wealth of communication regarding schedules and necessary updates via Transport for London (TfL).

We believe it is imperative to keep customer’s informed and, as a result, maintain high satisfaction levels. RATP Dev Transit London works closely with TfL to actively learn and utilise new, modern technology to connect passengers and bus operators.

Ultimate Performance

RATP Dev Transit London’s success as a bus company has been boosted by its commitment to update and refine every aspect of its operations. We constantly strive to make our service consistent and reliable, with the help of our drivers and controllers. Our routes are monitored closely by garage teams and ways of improving service delivery are analysed to improve the journey experience. We work in partnership with Transport for London on this important aspect of our service.

Top-flight Maintenance

Reliable, well-maintained vehicles are the bedrock of all bus operations so we recruit the best technicians in the industry to make sure our buses are in sound mechanical condition. We go to great lengths to make sure our buses are absolutely dependable and fit for the grind of daily service in London.

We provide our engineering teams with the best tools and equipment for the job, along with access to skills development throughout a technician’s career.


We are one of the capital’s largest, most well-established providers of bus services in Central and West London. The majority of our network is operated under contract to Transport for London, the capital’s integrated transport authority.




Enjoy a fast and safe metro system — 85 seconds between two trains, over one billion passengers and a 99.3% satisfaction rate. RATP Dev is the global leader in automated metro systems. 



Make the most of the city. Fast, clean and quiet— streetcars makes it easier to travel, modernizes urban areas, and improves quality of life. As the global leader in tram systems, RATP Dev has the resources to quickly make this mode of transportation accessible to accommodate a greater number of passengers. The smooth, easy way to get around the city.





Our rail solutions let you travel further, faster, and more comfortably. Connect several major cities or hubs, accommodate high volumes of passengers, and link the city to other destinations. Our trains make life easier for users.



Explore the city at your own pace. Featuring routes mapped out by local experts, must-see places, panoramic views, multilingual audio guides, etc. Enjoy an unforgeable experience aboard one of our panoramic, hop-on/hop-off buses!



Go the whole way. Mobility On-Demand (MOD) is an affordable solution and can adapt to meet the growing needs of passengers, while complementing your fixed-route operations. With driverless shuttles, minibuses, 24/7 booking, and mobile applications - this innovative solution can broaden your transit offering.



Easier travel for all passengers. RATP Dev has developed user-friendly solutions for passengers with reduced mobility, including wheelchair ramps, mobile platforms, and door-to-door services. The paratransit is a fully electric minibus that can seat nine. RATP Dev and its subsidiary FlexCité are making public transportation accessible to all.  


Cable Car

Reach new heights. Today’s cable cars adapt to the environment, overcome obstacles, and connect previously inaccessible areas. Cable cars take you right to the top. RATP Dev provides the solutions of the future, deployable to wherever they might be needed, and with a reduced footprint. For clean, enjoyable, and innovative transportation.

Cable Car